Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sleeping baby...

I'm in the middle of piles and piles
and mounds and heaps...
but I couldn't resist putting this picture up.
She's too sweet=)

Friday, April 22, 2011

We're moving!

Tomorrow we will be leaving our sweet little apartment on 2nd street!
Our new apartment is about the same size (minus the little nursery and large closet).
The kitchen is about as small as a kitchen can get, 
but I LOVE the retro green countertops!

We have been slowly gathering our things together over this past week
and it is so very apparent that:
1. God has blessed us abundantly with material possessions
2. We need none of them. God always has and always will provide for us
and He is all we need.
I am so thankful for a God who takes care of us.
PS. Henry just got off the phone with our landlord, 
and he lowered our rent...again. Praise God!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Before and after...

I've been waiting for the weather to change
been waiting for the sun to share
decided to do something brave
so I cut and colored my hair...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Green is the color of the sparkling corn in the morning...

I'm teaching myself how to knit! 
Here's how it is going so far: 
I've learned to Cast On, Knit and Purl....

And Undo and Start Over. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

From 25-85 in a day...

Dollars that is.
This morning I was reading one of my favorite blogs - www.pinkpeppers.blogspot.com
and the travel bug started tickling and the mouse ran out of control.

And...eventually I found a Phil and Ted's baby travel cot for $25 (normally $170) on craigslist. A few other people were interested as well so I offered the gal another $10 to hold onto it for me. So far so good. I arrived at her house, following her directions to drive down the bike path to her house on campus. I figured I would run in and run out so it was no big deal. As it turns out this lady is a former elementary teacher from California who decided to homeschool her children. She gave me a wealth of information on curriculum and did I mention she is a Christian? Well, we had a lovely conversation and I went back out to my car flush with the success of another great craigslist buy...only to find a yellow stub under my windshield wiper.....for $50!!! Arrgh. Oh well. I tried.

So here are a couple pictures of Clara to cheer myself up.

Yep...That's better.

It's snowing!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shirt sleeves to overalls (baby)

So...who's ready for some sunshine? I know I am!
In the meantime, here are some pictures from my shirt sleeves to overalls project.

I took an old shirt, 
cut the sleeves off and sewed them together
to make the overalls.

 Then I found some pretty floral fabric (pictured at top) at the thrift store in Pullman and used that fabric for the pleated top and the little front pocket.
Ta-da! Easy as pie!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy halfway birthday baby!!!

Sweet baby Clara, you are the most beautiful creation since your daddy
and God broke the mold after him.
It's hard to believe that there exists someone
whose love for you is greater than mine could ever be, but there is.
 Your Father watched over you before I even knew you,
 He looks after you now, and He will watch over you long after i'm gone,
and that is the most comforting thing in the world to a mother.
Our prayer for you is that as you grow, 
we your parents would demonstrate the love your Father in heaven has for you
so that one day you too will come to know Him and accept the love He gives.
We love you so much sweetie, happy 6 months!!!
~Mom and Dad~

"For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full
of his unfailing love." Psalm 33:4-5

Friday, April 8, 2011

Whimsy by Anna K.

Battle the drear
with cheery flower headbands
 for sale at Maven
 (in Moscow)
Spring is here!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh baby, can you get any cuter?

"Mr. Blue Sky...

...please tell me why you've had to hide away for soooo long?" ELO

Blue and white are here to stay
like butterflies in a vase
(in a fireplace)
or this sweet duvet

I'm not promising
 rhymes every time,
Especially since nothing
 rhymes with orange...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011